Cryptocurrencies CFD

Cryptocurrencies CFDs Trading

Cryptocurrencies carry inherent value, and this has made them legitimate financial assets that can be bought and sold for profit. Based on this, cryptocurrency trading is the buying and selling of various coins or tokens with the aim of generating a profit. Investors can trade various cryptocurrencies via a crypto exchange or a CFD brokerage firm.

When you trade via an exchange, you will need to create an exchange account as well as open a crypto wallet where you will be storing your coins. With an exchange, you own actual coins in digital form and must store them securely. You will generate a profit when the value of the underlying coin you are holding increases and you sell the coins at a higher price than that which you had initially bought for. If you sell at a price lower than the buying price, you incur losses.

In contrast, with a CFD brokerage firm, you do not own the underlying coin or token – you simply speculate on its price changes. If you place a buy order, you generate profits if you exit the trade position at a higher price. You incur losses when trading crypto CFDs if your price prediction is wrong.

  • {{ | translate }}
  • {{ asset.Name }}
    {{ 'ask' | translate }} {{ asset.Ask }} {{ 'bid' | translate }} {{ asset.Bid }}

    {{ 'information' | translate }}

    • {{ 'baseAsset' | translate }} {{ asset.Currency }}
    • {{ 'quoteAsset' | translate }} {{ asset.QuoteAsset }}
    • {{ 'spread' | translate }} {{ asset.Spread }} {{ 'points' | translate }} {{ floating }}
    • {{ 'digits' | translate }} {{ asset.Digits }}
    • {{ 'lotValue' | translate }} {{ asset.ContractSize }} {{ asset.Unit }}

    {{ 'tradingHours' | translate }}

    • {{ 'mondayToFriday' | translate }} {{ tradingHours }}
    • {{ 'sunday' | translate }} {{ sundayTradingHours }}
{{ 'noAssetsFound' | translate }}

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